125. How much $ I made in April

Wednesday, May 4th, 2022

One third of the way through 2022 - here's how much revenue my projects generated in April.

Paper Website
Paper Website

Paper Website brought in £146.79. Although this is down from last month, new trials are up 200%! I ended up smashing my monthly goal. Trial periods are 30 days, so we'll see this month what conversions are like.


Mailoji brought in £304.91. This is expectedly way down on last month, but again I beat my new subscription goal.

One Item Store has so far made £0 in the two weeks it's been live - this is all fine though as it's still sort of in beta.

In total my Tiny Projects made £451.70 ($564.30)

This month I'm going to write a "2 years of Tiny Projects" post with updates on everything I've launched, and my thoughts on launching and running multiple micro-SaaS projects.

I launched Tiny Projects 2 years ago on May 18th so I'll release it 2 weeks from today.

Can't believe it's been 2 years!

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