Where I've been

Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

It has been way too long!

After hitting 200 daily blog posts, and toasting to 100 more, this daily blog just stopped with no notice.

I've gotten a few emails asking if I'm okay, so I thought I'd dust off the pen and paper and answer some questions.

What are you up to?

First off, I am absolutely fine!

I have spent the past 18 months pretty much working on PromptBase.

The day I posted my last blog update was the day I decided to hand in my notice at my old job and attempt to give this indie hacking thing a go for real.

It's been awesome. I spend all day coding; basically living the dream! I feel very lucky to be able to do this.

Why did you stop blogging?

It was a few reasons:

1. I took a break from blogging whilst switching to full-time on PromptBase, then I lost the routine.

2. I'm a lot more conscious about sharing what I'm working on because of competition.

3. I was focusing on building and, although this blog is fun, it took time away from that.

How is PromptBase doing?

Right now it's at 249K users and doing well. I have added a lot of new features since my last post: https://promptbase.com/changelog.

How are your other projects?

Mailoji and Paper Website are still going. They are both in maintenance mode, so I don't really work on them, but they still bring in a few hundred dollars each month.

Where are you in the world?

My time in Australia ended last Summer, and I'm now back in the UK. Currently I live in a town called Cheltenham - if you're nearby, let's grab a coffee!

What are your plans for Tiny Projects in the future?

Right now I'm not sure! All I know is I'd like to write a blog post one day about PromptBase (a bit like what I've done with my other projects), but I'll probably do that once:

1. I sell it

2. I get it to a stable point feature-wise.

3. It crashes and burns for some reason.

Right now, though, I'm enjoying just focusing on building.


So that's it, really!

I'm so sorry for zero updates.

I'm not planning on writing daily blogs here for a while, but thanks so much if you're still reading; I massively appreciate it - you're awesome.

It was good to catch up!

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