120. Lift Off

Monday, April 18th, 2022

This weekend I went on a tour to a huge island near me. Halfway through, our tour bus stopped, and a crazy Australian pilot jumped aboard, asking if anyone wanted to fly over the island in his tiny aeroplane.

My girlfriend and I decided, "why not?!", hopped in, and literally took off from a beach runway and flew around for 20 minutes, it was epic!

Also taking off this weekend was One Item Store. Unfortunately, it had a pretty rocky start.

For a very boring reason, I'd accidentally made it so that all stores had to be created with a UK address.

This meant a lot of people couldn't complete the store sign-up process on re-launch day.

Fortunately it's all fixed now (after a long time chatting to Stripe), and I have my first few onboarded stores, which is awesome. I've been getting some great feedback from store owners too.

Next step: get some payments flowing through these stores.

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