14. Burning Money

Thursday, September 30th, 2021

No sales yesterday, and in some ways I feel like I'm back to square one, i.e: how do I get a sustainable stream of traffic and sales hitting Paper Website.

I set up a marketing funnel yesterday with paid ads, so that a potential customer is warmed up before making a purchase.

Firstly, they are shown an advert that introduces them to the concept of starting a Paper Website, there's no sales language in this at all, just cool and casual, but they can click to "Learn More" if they like.

Anyone who clicks is then retargeted with another advertisement, which has information about the current deal I'm offering of 50% off, plus a free domain name and notebook, as hopefully they are a warm audience and more likely to make a decision.

It's really fun learning about this stuff, I want to master it. It's such a valuable skill. But, at the moment I suck. Which means Facebook is burning all my money.

I've planned the dates I want to launch Paper Website in various places. I'm also considering making my own notebooks, or would that really be burning money?

Thanks for reading!

(My writing setup this morning with a nice cup of tea!)
(My writing setup this morning with a nice cup of tea!)
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