43. Front page of Hacker News

Friday November 12th 2021

I am feeling so tired - I was about to head to sleep yesterday and I decided to have one last look at Paper Website before I went to bed - this is what I saw in my analytics:

500 + people had visited in the last 30 minutes - which is not normal. I knew what had happened immediately, and went over to Hacker News. Lo and behold there was Paper Website doing its thing on the front page.

Fortunately everything went okay - the only thing I had to do was upgrade the plan on a geolocation service I use for determining what currency to show prices. It was at 9,900/10,000 daily requests before I made the upgrade - close!

Still, I ended up staying awake until 2am monitoring everything. I managed to make a few more sales too! The traffic to Paper Website is still strong (currently 60 users every 30 minutes) - it will be interesting to see if it continues over the weekend.

This is the end of Launch week #1 - next week we launch on Product Hunt (on Wednesday November 17th). See you on Monday!

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